Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tips about investing in the stock market

  • The stock exchange is rarely a place where anyone 'gets rich quick'. Sure, some occasional stocks and shares will rise quickly making their owners money, but rarely will you become rich. Bear in mind that if an investment doubles in one year (which is pretty rare) you needed to be already wealthy to make a lot of money. If you invested a thousand, you will have just 'made' a thousand. You aren't wealthy or rich yet.
  • Investment risk is lowered by knowledge. Every time. If you are buying shares on the stock exchange, what does the seller know that you don't? What do you know that the seller does not? You can bet your life that the buyer or seller opposite you in any transaction has done some serious research. If you don't do yours, who do you think will win? You or the market?
  • It might help to find areas in which you have useful knowledge already. Either that or decide on an area and slowly become an expert. For example, if you worked in a bank for 10 years, you must know something about banking. When you read an annual report from a bank, do you laugh and see through the waffle or does it make real sense? If you can see through the waffle of some far off CEO and CFO, you can start to compare the relative prospects in the same market of competing firms. Hey - that could be an opportunity
  • It isn't easy. If everyone could become a billionaire by investing, Warren Buffett would not be famous. It takes time, study and effort and most importantly - independent thought. Not everyone has the will or stamina to carry that through. Who doesn't suffer setbacks and confidence knocks?

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